Liz Strauss at Successful Blog

Thinking, writing, business ideas . . . You are only a stranger once.

The Secret to Writing a Successful and Outstanding Blog

Write so well - the Internet talks with you!

The Secret to Writing a Successful and Outstanding BlogCorporate Marketers, Public Relations Professionals, and New Business Bloggers, this insider's guide explains how online conversation works.

Make the leap from writing in the offline world to effective online communication.

Develop a voice of authority, credibility, and influence that attracts fiercely loyal fans.

Get the comments, conversation, and referrals you've wished for!

Only $29 to learn how you can turn a blog into a community!


Filled with tips, ideas, and checklists, you'll learn:

  • Write to attract an audience who participates
  • Build online relationships that make business happen
  • Create communities of loyal customer fans
  • Use the Power of the 6+1 Traits of Effective Writing
  • Gain trust and credibility by writing intelligently from the heart

                You also get

  • Classic Blog Review Checklist to Publish a Blog Magnet
  • Know the Secret to Writing a Successful and Outstanding Blog

Get the The Secret to Writing a Successful and Outstanding Blog.
and get your voice in the conversation that's changing the world!

About the Author - Liz Strauss

According to EatonWeb, "Liz Strauss is perhaps the most influential relational blogger on the Internet." Her blog - Liz Strauss at Successful Blog - has been called both a destination and an event. At it’s second anniversary it had 50,000 comments, now it’s pushing 70,000. Find out why people say, “You’re only a stranger once.”

Here’s a few words that folks have had to say:

Liz Strauss is a recognized authority on the topic of building online communities, so it was only fitting that she give a lecture called, "C'mon, Let's Talk! Building Influence and Interaction with Blogging" at WordCamp Dallas this year.

Her site Successful and Outstanding Bloggers is a must read, so make sure you drive by and learn a thing or 100! John Pozazides

When you visit Liz's Successful Blog site you immediately get the impression you have just been welcomed inside somewhere special - that is by design. Successful Blog is the home of Tuesday Night Open Comment Night and more thought provoking, mind challenging, and business blogging posts than anywhere else I know. . . . Char Polanosky

Her writing style is not actually how she writes, per se, but how she thinks. . . . Successful Blog reads differently. It is a personal conversation with you, not a form letter to the Internet. Jesse Petersen

This afternoon I was trying to remember a point after I started blogging when I didn't know Liz Strauss. She's one of those warm people that makes you feel as if you are honestly welcome wherever she is. Susan Reynolds